2024-11-20 21:26:50
“一带一路”(The Belt and Road,缩写B&R)是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称,2013年9月和10月由中国国家主席习近平分别提出建设“新丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的合作倡议。
一、在对外公文中,统一将“丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路”的英文全称译为“the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”,“一带一路”简称译为“the Belt and Road”,英文缩写用“B&R”。
三、考虑到“一带一路”倡议一词出现频率较高,在非正式场合,除首次出现时使用英文全称译文外,其简称译法可视情况灵活处理,除可使用“the Belt and Road Initiative”外,也可视情使用“the land and maritime Silk Road initiative”。其他译法不建议使用。
The ceaseless inflow of rivers makes the ocean deep.
As a Chinese saying goes, the ceaseless inflow of rivers makes the ocean deep. However, were such inflow to be cut, the ocean however big would eventually dry up.
Work closely together
I'm confident that as we work closely together, we will transcend geographical distance, and embark on a path of win-win cooperation.
Achieve intended goals as planned
We need to take a people-centered approach, give priority to poverty alleviation and job creation, to see that the joint pursuit of Belt and Road cooperation will deliver true benefits to the people of participating countries and contribute to their social and economic development. We also need to ensure that the commercial and fiscal sustainability of all projects, so that they will achieve intended goals as planned.
Everything should be done in a transparent way
We need to pursue open, green, and clean cooperation. The Belt and Road is not an exclusive club and aims to promote green development. We may launch green infrastructure projects, make green investments, and provide green financing to protect the earth which we all call home. In pursuing Belt and Road cooperation, everything should be done in a transparent way, and we should have zero tolerance for corruption.
Honoring a promise carries the weight of gold
We Chinese have a saying that honoring a promise carries the weight of gold.
Sow the seeds of cooperation, and harvest the fruits of development
Let us join hands to sow the seeds of cooperation, harvest the fruits of development, bring greater happiness to our people, and make our world a better place for all.
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